Text of "Student Printz, Two Front Page Versions; March 20, 1964
Page 1:
JOHN FRAZIER…to try again
Frazier’s attempt to matriculate is unsuccessful
Negro John Frazier, seeking to gain admission into the University of Southern Mississippi, was turned away at spring quarter registration, March 9.
Frazier, 22, told a Printz photographer that school officials said he was not eligible to register because he had not submitted an application for the spring quarter.
He then added that he was going to reapply for the summer quarter “following the proper procedure.”
Earlier, Frazier said he planned to take court action if he was not admitted for the spring term, but after failing to enroll he said he had no plans for going to court to gain admission.
There were no incidents or crowds as the Negro was escorted onto the campus and taken to the student services building.